2017 Auction Recap

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Photography by George Haas.

Our annual auction was held on the evening of August 17, 2017 at the Terra Linda Community Center for the first time which worked out very well. We used two out of three adjoining rooms, and have the option to spread out next year if we need the space. We all agreed a microphone would have been useful so that people in the rear of the rooms could hear more clearly and not miss any of Jay’s jokes. As a fundraiser, the auction was a great success. We did better in revenues than the past two years. These funds will help us plan for next year’s operations and calendar of events, such as inviting professional bonsai speakers, demonstrators, etc.

Shortly after the auction, Candace Key announced she was stepping down as auction wrangler to take a well-deserved rest and allow for someone else to manage the annual event. Sharon Bone offered to take on the responsibilities of next year’s auction wrangler. A very critical position! The auction wrangler is responsible for planning, scheduling, locating and securing a venue, organizing leaders and helpers, insurance needs, and ensuring the event runs flawlessly. With the support of the club membership, no doubt Sharon will do to a fine job.

We certainly want to thank our members and the support from other bonsai clubs and the community at large for the auction’s success. People came from great distances and through miserable traffic to buy and sell at our auction which is a tribute to our organization and professionalism. We look forward to next year and the likelihood of using the same venue for our annual auction. Did you check out the Three Twins Ice Cream across the street? Next year . . .

– George Haas and Candace Key

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