Click on the button below to see who’s signed up for which shifts – updated 7/2/19.
Please use the ‘Contact Us‘ form or email info@marinbonsai.org to sign up.
This really is the highlight of our bonsai year, and if you’ve ever been a docent before then you know that it is a lot of fun. You will get to answer really basic questions about bonsai and meet nice people who are interested in your hobby. It’s also a fun time to hang out with fellow members and share bonsai experiences.
The Fair runs from July 3 – July 7 and there are 3 shifts each day. We need for all of them to be fully staffed so we can make sure our trees are safe from curious fingers, well watered, and the public well-informed about the glorious art of bonsai. So check your calendars, confer with significant others, look at the Fair schedule for other events you might want to explore on the same day, and sign up for multiple shifts, if you can possibly manage it. We need all hands on deck at the Fair, and for set up and take down as well. The Fair exhibit is a fund-raiser for the Club and one of our best opportunities to reach out to the public and recruit new members. It’s easy. It’s fun. Your Club really needs you to help out.
We will have admission tickets for docents and parking passes for those who pull multiple shifts at the June 18 workshop.
Park your car at Marin Commons (1600 Los Gamos Drive, San Rafael) and take the Marin County Fair Shuttle to the fairgrounds. Shuttle parking is free; Shuttle rides are $2 per person (children under 4 ride free). 10am–11:30pm. Other transportation options.
Here you’ll find answers
to the most frequently asked questions
from visitors to our show.
The Marin Bonsai Club has published a club information brochure for distribution. The brochure is loaded with information about our club philosophy, activities and exhibitions, and a brief history. It is intended for public consumption and new members. You will see it as a hand-out at our annual exhibitions and auction & sale. For more information, contact either Candace Key or George Haas.
This is the time of the year the club members really pull together to promote our club in the best possible way through the display of our bonsai. Please prepare your trees to show their best. Sign up for multiple docent shifts if possible. We need as many volunteers as we can muster.
The Fair is always so much fun; we get to promote the Marin Bonsai Club, sign up individuals for the beginners’ bonsai class and auction following the Fair, all of which attracts new members. Our bonsai exhibit is a big draw among Fair-goers and we need to make this one another standout.
I hope everyone will lend their support.
– George